Early resolution describes a wide array of processes for resolving issues at work - we call these the routes to resolution. It replaces the term 'informal resolution' which was often viewed with scepticism or cynicism by employees, unions and managers who perceived it as less effective than 'formal resolution'. Evidence from organisations which have implemented TCM's Resolution Framework™ is that over 60% of cases are resolved via Early Resolution. This page explains more and it sets out the support available to your organisation.

Early Resolution Meeting

In most situations, the simplest and most effective way to resolve a complaint, a concern or a conflict is to sit down and have a prompt, informal conversation with the other person. Under the Resolution Framework™, it is the role and responsibility of well-trained managers to spot the warning signs and to engage their team members in a confident and productive conversation. In this way, an outcome can be found that is acceptable to all parties. Some coaching or mentoring may also be requested to support with the outcome of the meeting.


Coaching is a central feature of the Resolution Framework™.  It plays a vital role in virtually every stage of the resolution process. Coaching features in the early resolution stage of the Resolution Framework™ as a means for supporting leaders, managers, HR and others to secure positive and lasting remedies to concerns, conflicts and complaints. Coaching can be delivered in a number of different ways such as via external TCM coaches, via internal coaches or via coaching support from people professionals. However you choose to develop your coaching culture,  TCM can support you at every step of the way.

Coaching is the gift that keeps on giving!

Facilitated Conversation

Drawing from tried and tested restorative principles, the facilitated conversation is a confidential discussion between all parties facilitated by an independent third party. It is shorter than a full mediation and is typically used to resolve less serious cases or at an earlier stage of a conflict, concern or a complaint. The facilitator provides all parties with a safe environment to discuss their concerns in a supportive way. It will be led by a member of your resolution centre, a trained manager or an independent round table facilitator.

Workplace Mediation

Over 90% of mediations, using TCM’s ground breaking FAIR Model™, result in a mutually acceptable agreement being reached by the parties. As a result, mediation delivers significant human and financial benefits when compared with traditional formal processes. Most parties find mediation to be less stressful and less damaging, plus they describe higher levels of confidence in the mediation process and the outcome.

The TCM Group are a leading provider of workplace mediation services and mediation training.  We were awarded Mediation Provider of the Year at the 2018 National Mediation Awards, and HR consultancy of the year at the 2020 Personnel Today Awards.

Team or Group Facilitation

Team facilitation builds upon the principles of mediation – dialogue, engagement, insight and learning. These principles are applied to situations where a dispute or breakdown has occurred amongst a work or project team. Team facilitation is highly effective at giving all parties a voice, at creating the conditions for issues to be resolved constructively and to help move a team from toxic to transformational. Team disputes can be deep rooted and complex, for this reason, the process should be led by a highly skilled and expert facilitator.

Contact Us Today

If you have any questions about any of the activities that form part of early resolution, please do not hesitate to contact us for an informal and no obligation chat.

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